EM Media is Effective Marketing
EM Media is a marketing & advertising agency specializing in brand strategy, media strategy, video production, content creation & inbound marketing. Our team works to make sure that our clients stand apart & have their stories heard.
Client Spotlight
Trinity Health System – GERD Testimonial

Videos are a great way to showcase what you can do for your clients or customers. This is one of ten new testimonials highlighting the services of the Trinity Endoscopy Center.
Client Welcome
Gentle Dental
Pirates are helping no one, hurting everyone
Having been a season ticket holder for longer than many Pittsburgh Pirate fans have been alive, I’m invested in this team. I sometimes question whether or not the passion that I carry for the club is reciprocated by the organization.
If you have a broken printing press, you’ll fix it, or no one will get their paper. Isn’t that correct, Bob Nutting? Same goes for baseball, or at least, it should. If the players you have aren’t delivering, then you get new ones or make changes in order to win.
Not only is the decision making by the Pittsburgh Pirates organization hurting the team’s record, it’s also affecting economic outcomes in the city, especially on the North Side. As a business owner in the city’s Deutschtown neighborhood, it’s obvious to me that changes need to be made.
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